Saturday, May 18, 2019

War Crimes in Vogue with Trump: Plans to Issue More Pardons for U.S. War Crimes

Army Lt.  Michael Behenna: Got recent Trump pardon

Army Lt. William Calley: Nixon gave him house arrest

Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, 1946
(12 death penalty, 7 prison, 3 acquitted)

Trump to issue more or less a “blanket pardon” to U.S. service members for war crimes (e.g., those either under investigation, prosecuted, tired, or in some cases convicted and serving prison time, thus more or less shows Trump is condoning war crimes).

Articles related to this big breaking news:

1.    From main NY Times article 

2.    From CNN 

3.    From the Guardian  

4.    From Reuters 

5.    From The Hill 

6.    From The Military Times 

7.    From the Washington Post

And, also from various other sources – do the research. Start with this from the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam in early 1968, and then the torture and other abuses in Iraq at Abu Ghraib U.S. detention facility during the 2003-2006 time frame.

My 2 cents: My personal view is that is very bad decision and potentially will trigger an international outrage and set an awful precedence for years to come. 

It is also possibly another gross abuse of presidential pardon power for political purposes (e.g., Trump’s reelection in 2020).

Just imagine if something like this were implemented in 1947 following the Nuremberg trials and the “Nazi's Excuse: We Were Just Following Orders” defense.

More on this subject later I am sure.

Thanks for stopping by.

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