Friday, August 30, 2019

KSM and Four Cohorts: Scheduled for Trial at Gitmo in January 2021 for 9/11 Attacks

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) pictured after his 
capture in Pakistan in 2003

Breaking News: KSM and 4 other 9/11 terrorists going to trial at Gitmo.

WASHINGTON (The NY Times here via MSN) — A military judge has set January 11, 2021 as the start of the joint death-penalty trial at Guantánamo Bay of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (KSM) and four other men charged with plotting the September 11, 2001 attacks that killed 2,976 people in New York City (WTC), at the Pentagon, and in a field in PA.

The date was set by the Judge, USAF Colonel W. Shane Cohen

It also signals the start of the selection of a military jury at Camp Justice. 

It is the first time that a trial judge in the case actually set a trial date for those 5 9/11 co-conspirators, and that despite requests by prosecutors since 2012 to two earlier judges to do so.

My 2 cents: It’s about time – in fact it has been far too much time in fact to see justice prevail in this case.

Stay tuned for future updates as this trial progresses.

Thanks for stopping by.

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